Monday, February 08, 2010

Looking for Pattern

I've been searching my house for this pattern and cannot find it! I have made 9 of the stockings and my grand daughter has requested one for her daughter and I would like it to be like the ones I made for all my grand children.

These are 4 of the stocking I have made. What was fun with these was I let them choose the pattern and the colors. I questioned some of the choices when they told me, but the socks turned out beautifully. I like theirs better than the ones the parents chose for the ones too young to make the decision.

If anyone has a copy of this pattern that they would sell to me, let me know.



At 7:42 PM, Blogger Partly Cloudy Knitter said...

Hi Yvonne,

I think I have it, but I can't look until Wednesday.
If I don't let you know by Thursday, please remind me!


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Partly Cloudy Knitter said...

Found it --

I have to be out of town tommorrow, so I will call you on Saturday?


At 11:33 PM, Blogger 揚州炒飯Penny said...

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